love you

i just want to say :


okay fine bukan ada yang pun byee..

gurauan yang menyusah kan -,-

fuuhhh, dah lama x update blog, bukan ade orang nak bace pun kan? haha nie nak citer sikit pasal gurauan yg paling xboleh bla, gurauan rambut nie.. bulan lepas time tournament bola sepak, aku gunting rambut pendek, lepastuh aku saje-2 jelah cakap kat membe-2 aku pasal rambut aku, aku CUMA CAKAP, cuma cakap jeh kawan-2, aku tercakap dan tertanye kat budak-2 uw yg rambut aku cam JUSTIN BIEBER version pendek, lepas sume terus ejek aku JB, justin belesek lah, hadoooi, MENYESAL -,-

10 things i hate about school -,-

i love go to school but :

1. i have wake up early to school.
2. i have bath with cold water, shit.grrrrr *shaking every morning. -,-
3. i have prepare myself and my uniform. i dont really like school uniform :/
4. i have get early to get the school bus, it's so early, at 6.30 am.. still sleepy lorgghhh
5. ouh, this is it, i really hate assembly, every assembly talks about same things and it is about disipline, soo boring lah cikgu..
6. simple, i hate studying especially sejarah, ouhhh ngantok giler douhh.
7. korikulum ? still new but already hate it, haha
8. yeah-2, homework, haha shit -,-
9. balik rumah kene naik bas lagi, tension
10. yes-2, i remember that i have to climb the 3rd floor of school building, lenguh kaki den nie..

ape lagi sin, kita bako je, kita bako, hahaha :D

i wish that scholl more easy :D

this is holiday :)

haha cuti bulan tiga?
kelakar giler ah.. cuti nie bosan giler douh, xtaw nak buat ape kat rumah nie setiap hari bende yg same je, tido kol 3 bangun kol 12, haha makan, online, tido pastu main futsal, malam terperap kat rumah online sampai lebam.. haha tapi ade bende-2 yg best gak lah, aku xtaw ape yg best sampai
aku tersenyum je cuti ni, hahah :) xtaw lah, mcm dah jatuh cinta je, haha.. xtaw lah aku rase aku suke giler douh kat dye, cam haishh mmg jatuh cinta gila babi, tolong lah ajar aku camne nak bgtaw kat dye, aku bukan tau pun cam ne nak luahkan bende-2 camnie, :D ahahaha malu gila nak citer, secret is secret :D i wish my dream comes true :)

pingat :D

bila di imbas balik, dulu kecik-2 nak sangat jadi atlete, tp dulu kecik-2 xpernah nak bersukan, tuh besar je badan nie.. bila sekolah rendah, angan-angan nak masuk bola sepak wakil sekolah,sampai menangis nak beli kasut bola hahaha :P tapi budak xreti maen kan, cam ne nak masuk.. bila masuk TEDA highschool, aku mule aktiv kat sukan sampai aku lupe nak belajar, aku nak sgt realisasi kan impian nak dapat pingat sukan yg xpernah aku dapat. akhirnya aku dapat jugak pingat pertama aku dalam sukan ragbi, n.johan plate, kira okeyh lah dapat pingat jugak.. pastu kali nie, sukan yg paling aku xsangke gila babi nie, aku dapat gak pingat dalam bowling pulak uw, dah la xreti maen, boleyh dapat pulak... xsangke gila douhh.. xpe rezeki merata-rata kan? walaupun cume dapat no 4 je.. eyh apsal sume no 4 je nie, n.johan plate pun kira no 4 gak ... hahaha :PP

haha esok??

haha, mmg kelakar lah rase nye esok nak maen bowling, dah xhebad pun maen boling... haishh, maen jelah, cikgu dah pilih aku pun nak buad cam ne, ntah-2 bole menang ke?dengan xde practice nye.. sape taw kan.. insyaAllah.. nty aku buad lah yang terbaek, BAK kate MIMI SURIyATI menang kalah adat permainan yang penting kita buad yang terbaek, jeaahhh..... agak-2 boleh menang ke huh? mzty susah kan.. ramay douh budak-2 terer maen.. budak-2 pakai bola sendiri.. aku nie kasut dah lah pinjam, bola pun nak pinjam sekali.. xpe-2 kita bersuke ria je esok oke :DD

February (-,-)

it is about february, second months of the year.. i think this february give little dirty to my clothes because of this months i'm really really tired to be sport guy or sport man or else whatever..
I'm tired to had sport, i'm tired to had studies, i'm to tired to had whatever that i think it make me tired... soccer, bowling, school sports and the bla,bla, bla....
what the F !!
i cant pursue my time table..
i'm busy to school,
i'm busy to extra classes,
i'm busy to football,
and i'm to busy to catch the tuition classes while unable to attend the classes..

aku mmg bodoh :(

i know i never be with you and i know u are happy with him, anyway i hope that we can be like old time, i'm doin this becoz i'm fool when i got apponity to be with you and i waste it becouse i'm a fool...