haha esok??
haha, mmg kelakar lah rase nye esok nak maen bowling, dah xhebad pun maen boling... haishh, maen jelah, cikgu dah pilih aku pun nak buad cam ne, ntah-2 bole menang ke?dengan xde practice nye.. sape taw kan.. insyaAllah.. nty aku buad lah yang terbaek, BAK kate MIMI SURIyATI menang kalah adat permainan yang penting kita buad yang terbaek, jeaahhh..... agak-2 boleh menang ke huh? mzty susah kan.. ramay douh budak-2 terer maen.. budak-2 pakai bola sendiri.. aku nie kasut dah lah pinjam, bola pun nak pinjam sekali.. xpe-2 kita bersuke ria je esok oke :DD
February (-,-)
it is about february, second months of the year.. i think this february give little dirty to my clothes because of this months i'm really really tired to be sport guy or sport man or else whatever..
I'm tired to had sport, i'm tired to had studies, i'm to tired to had whatever that i think it make me tired... soccer, bowling, school sports and the bla,bla, bla....
what the F !!
i cant pursue my time table..
i'm busy to school,
i'm busy to extra classes,
i'm busy to football,
and i'm to busy to catch the tuition classes while unable to attend the classes..
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